We’re a small team of fun-loving engineers, designers and makers led by Mark Rober, our Head EnginNerd & former NASA engineer.
CrunchLabs is a real place! Check out our massive Willy Wonka factory for engineering, located in the San Francisco Bay Area in California. Watch more videos on the CrunchLabs YouTube Channel.
Our goal is to show kids and kids at heart how to Think Like an Engineer (because who better to teach children engineering than childish engineers!?)
To us, thinking like an engineer isn’t about a profession or degree path, it’s a hands-on approach that helps you accomplish whatever you set your mind to. Even if that’s… starting a toy company! We hope you have as much fun with our toys as we do.
Engineering Sustainability
We couldn’t do CrunchLabs without Earth, so we believe the best way to inspire responsible engineering is to lead by example:
CrunchLabs is for Kids of ALL Ages